Thank you for speaking up on these issues. As with human health, there are influencers in the pet world as well, and we need to be alert to this. We have 4 rescue cats, all incredibly healthy because we apply the same standards we do to our own health: we trust science and the experts in each field. Each of our cats had a rough beginning. All are incredibly healthy because we follow the advice of their vet. They stay indoors, they get regular vaccines, they are given healthy food and, if needed, they receive evidence-based treatment when a problem occurs. You’ve offered a helpful reminder to all of us to follow science. Thank you! (Read and written while a healthy - if totally insane - kitten kept knocking over my iPad and jumping on my head….)
Thank you for speaking up on these issues. As with human health, there are influencers in the pet world as well, and we need to be alert to this. We have 4 rescue cats, all incredibly healthy because we apply the same standards we do to our own health: we trust science and the experts in each field. Each of our cats had a rough beginning. All are incredibly healthy because we follow the advice of their vet. They stay indoors, they get regular vaccines, they are given healthy food and, if needed, they receive evidence-based treatment when a problem occurs. You’ve offered a helpful reminder to all of us to follow science. Thank you! (Read and written while a healthy - if totally insane - kitten kept knocking over my iPad and jumping on my head….)