Thank you for clarifying an issue that has caused plenty of confusion, thanks to disinformation. I was raised with fluoride (in water, in toothpaste, in dental cleaning products), and I have never had a cavity. (I also credit excellent oral hygiene and outstanding orthodontics.) This was a vastly different outcome than what my parents’ generation and those before them experienced. It makes me so sad to talk with parents who have leapt into this rabbit hole, and are now essentially ruining their kids’ teeth. The death of expertise (replaced by individuals who claim to do their own research - with no understanding of research methodology and no training) is causing so much damage.

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thank you for sharing! It is so unfortunate how rampant misinformation is this days. My goal is to get people to a level of science literacy where they can do the 'smell test' and see these fear-based lies for what they are!

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As a dentist who graduated from dental school in Buffalo, New York in 1986, I can attest to the effectiveness of fluoridation. It was extremely difficult to find children to work on to achieve our requirements because of how effective fluoridation was at preventing tooth decay. I don’t feel comforted by the fact that young dentists in Buffalo probably do not have that challenge anymore.

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Hi Andrea, thanks for the great article! What about flouride in toothpaste? (because it contains ovver 1000 ppm often times). I know its not for consumption bu a lot of people swallow a part of it. ( i think these are not less people and also not that less amount) Do you think in this case its still no problem?

Gteetings :)

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