Thank you so much for this. It's so frustrating to have family who are anti-vax and are pro RFK, Jr. I even have friends who've decided that measles don't exist because of that German Court Case with Dr. Stefan Lanka. They're more worried about kids getting Autism, nevermind that it's all been debunked. What has happened to people's brains???
These are dark times, so I am grateful that you continue to communicate accurate information to us! I’m not sure we can make headway with anti-science people. When I start to explain research methodology or evidence-based data, they will tell me that those methods are bogus. There is nowhere to go from that point. Perhaps they’ll change their minds when their brainwashed loved ones die. It’s sad that this is what it might come to, but I can’t talk sense when confronted with their nonsense.
The following is from a Travel medicine forum I follow & would appreciate your comment(s). I find this to somewhat disturbing given the state of global vaccinations being greatly diminished.
The protection provided by maternal antibodies in children of both vaccinated mothers and mothers who have had a measles infection is limited. Research shows that protection by maternal antibodies is hardly present in infants of vaccinated mothers during the first months of life. These infants are therefore more vulnerable to contracting measles than infants of mothers who have had a measles infection. Infants born to mothers who have had a measles infection do have some degree of protection from maternal antibodies, but for less time than previously thought. If the mother has had a measles infection, the infant can be considered protected by maternal antibodies up to 2 months after birth. Vaccine effectiveness under the age of 12 months The MMR vaccine effectiveness with early vaccination is lower than with vaccination at 14 months (estimated around 76% at 6 months, rising to 95% at 9 months) with permanently reduced antibody titers at a later age, even after follow-up vaccination(s). These effects are greatest when vaccinated at 6 months of age and decrease as vaccination occurs at a later age.
I have asked the contributor to this copied comment for the reference. I hope this is not taken as an exclusion to the source without naming the individual.
Thank you so much for this. It's so frustrating to have family who are anti-vax and are pro RFK, Jr. I even have friends who've decided that measles don't exist because of that German Court Case with Dr. Stefan Lanka. They're more worried about kids getting Autism, nevermind that it's all been debunked. What has happened to people's brains???
These are dark times, so I am grateful that you continue to communicate accurate information to us! I’m not sure we can make headway with anti-science people. When I start to explain research methodology or evidence-based data, they will tell me that those methods are bogus. There is nowhere to go from that point. Perhaps they’ll change their minds when their brainwashed loved ones die. It’s sad that this is what it might come to, but I can’t talk sense when confronted with their nonsense.
Follow up to my comment, this gives me pause as to my understanding of passive immunity for newborns vis-à-vis measles.
The standard of care for pregnant women is a Tdap booster in the 3rd trimester of all pregnancies. Should there now be an MMR booster. 🤔
Dr. Andrea
The following is from a Travel medicine forum I follow & would appreciate your comment(s). I find this to somewhat disturbing given the state of global vaccinations being greatly diminished.
The protection provided by maternal antibodies in children of both vaccinated mothers and mothers who have had a measles infection is limited. Research shows that protection by maternal antibodies is hardly present in infants of vaccinated mothers during the first months of life. These infants are therefore more vulnerable to contracting measles than infants of mothers who have had a measles infection. Infants born to mothers who have had a measles infection do have some degree of protection from maternal antibodies, but for less time than previously thought. If the mother has had a measles infection, the infant can be considered protected by maternal antibodies up to 2 months after birth. Vaccine effectiveness under the age of 12 months The MMR vaccine effectiveness with early vaccination is lower than with vaccination at 14 months (estimated around 76% at 6 months, rising to 95% at 9 months) with permanently reduced antibody titers at a later age, even after follow-up vaccination(s). These effects are greatest when vaccinated at 6 months of age and decrease as vaccination occurs at a later age.
I have asked the contributor to this copied comment for the reference. I hope this is not taken as an exclusion to the source without naming the individual.