Ever heard of PubMed?




I could go on and on. But you probably are incapable of considering we live in a world much broader than your material reductionist brain is conditioned to adhere to. This is a world very uncomfortable, as you cannot maintain your superiority in the face of modalities that work on an energetic level. And certainly, you seem incapable of the humility required to be curious, a most important quality in a scientist.

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I think the real harm is not seeking or rejecting real medical help. Have you read this? https://jme.bmj.com/content/36/3/130

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Yes, exactly, that’s the first one emphasized - it’s a huge proble

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Right you are :0) but I wonder if we could even begin to estimate the numbers. :(

The real or final straw for me was seeing instructions for making 'remedy' using water, bottle, pen and paper. https://wildoakhomeopathy.com/homeopathic-paper-remedy/

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you do realize that 30% of Europeans use homeopathic remedies in their healthcare, right?

Are they all stupid?

They must be, like myself, who was cured with homeopathic remedy Veratrum Album 30 years ago. Within 2-days of taking the $7 worthless sugar pill I "came to" out of rapid-cycling bipolar, which was given to me three years prior so casually by your friends at Eli Lilly, who was just rolling out en masse their cash cow Prozac. I had been taking the western psychotropics for three miserable years. I have been mostly rejecting REAL medical help since and am healthy, and certainly mentally stable enough with no medications to run an independent bookstore on my own in a bustling tourist town for 20 years.

Where is the REAL harm in homeopathy again?

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