Thank you for sharing your expertise and especially for the timeliness of this article relative to the senate confirmation hearings.

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I appreciate you so much. I shared your post on IG about this in my stories. I don't know how many people bothered to "Tap to Read." I need to put the work in and share all the slides because I know a lot of people won't put the work in. And even then, many will exit the second they read something that doesn't align with their tightly held beliefs. One friend laughed. My kneejerk response was to trade barbs, but in the end I opted to do nothing and block her. I had already unfollowed her due to her ungenerous attitude towards those in poverty. To laugh at a post calling BS on this "study" was just willful ignorance. I'm not going to argue with someone who is determined to be wrong. Especially when the magnitude of evidence showing vaccines don't cause Autism is so vast.

I'm a Special Ed teacher, so I've worked with students on the Autism Spectrum over the years. They're delightful, full of life, love, and capable of so much. That anyone would risk children's lives, risk them getting truly severe, life-altering disabilities to avoid a potential Autism diagnosis is utter madness.

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Thank you! As I so often do, I am sharing a “cliff notes” version of this information on social media, urging people to contact their senators. I am not a researcher, but I am absolutely sure that, if I’d attempted this sub-par approach to my two Master’s theses or my doctoral thesis, I would have been laughed out of school and never received my degrees. I do wish we would teach research methodology starting at the middle school level. It could save us from a lot of pain and danger.

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I'm so sick of these assholes. It never ends. For the record, even if there were a hint of a connection? Vaccines all the way. I'd take my kids alive with autism (I have two) over my kids dead due to preventable disease any day.

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Like most conspiracy theories, the claim that vaccines cause autism contains a small nugget of sense that is misused in a fallacious appeal to logic. While there is compelling evidence that inflammation plays a causal role in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the broader scientific consensus has firmly rejected any link between vaccines and ASD. In my view, the modern environment has contributed to chronic low-level inflammation, which may be a significant factor in the rising prevalence of ASD. I would go further to argue that ASD is fundamentally an autoimmune condition driven by dysregulation of the innate immune system. https://kevinrigley.substack.com/p/neurodiversity-and-the-modern-environment

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